Free Resources

When yoga meets science, magic happens. Tips, tutorials and articles to understand how your body is designed to move and explore ways to integrate it into your yoga practice- no matter what style of yoga you practice.

Building a Sustainable Body

Sustainability and permaculture are two words that (rightly so) we are hearing a lot more of in the mainstream. We usually hear these words in ...

Dispatches From the Lab

Sitting on the plane, casually chatting with the person beside me, the inevitable question arises, "So what will you be doing in Phoenix?" I take ...

Ode to our yoga elders

Here is a revolutionary thought- where have all the 'older' teachers gone? I don't see them in ads in yoga journal, I don't see them ...

Sitting With Ease

You might have heard that "sitting is the new smoking." Sure, yes, sitting all day long at work, then sitting in your car, sitting at ...

Sustainable Yoga Series: Upward Dog

On the surface, Upward Facing Dog looks like a backbend. When asked, many people would reply, they practice upward dog to help open tight shoulders, ...

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