Free Resources

When yoga meets science, magic happens. Tips, tutorials and articles to understand how your body is designed to move and explore ways to integrate it into your yoga practice- no matter what style of yoga you practice.

Intention + Community

"But why are trees such social creatures? Why do they share food with their own species and even their competitors? The reasons are the same ...

The Gift of Solitude

Solitude is a silent storm that breaks down all our dead branches; yet it sends our living roots deeper into the living heart of the ...

Cross body patterning (video)

The human body is designed to move in spirals and diagonal patterns. Which means movements that combine all three planes of motion -transverse, saggital & ...

Strong Body, Strong Planet

There are so many different ways to be mindful- the way you move, the foods you eat and how you take care of nature (and ...

Strong + Stable Lunge (video)

There is something that many people do in an asana practice without realizing they do it... hang out in their joints. I see it all ...

Upper Back Mobility (video)

Our body craves movement and there are places in the body that you likely move often and well, while there are other places that don't ...

Healthy + Happy Hips (video)

A whole lot of hip mobility love... This is a great movement that not only makes your hip joints happy and more mobile, but will ...

Move with us, move with love

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