Sept. 17, 2024

How to DIY Your Own At-Home Yoga Sanctuary

Learn how to create a personalized, peaceful at-home yoga sanctuary with simple, budget-friendly ideas.

Creating an at-home yoga sanctuary doesn’t have to involve a big budget or a complete home renovation. I can vouch for this, as I once practiced in a tiny 400-square-foot apartment with just enough room to unroll my yoga mat between the couch and the bookshelves. With a little creativity and some thoughtful touches, you can transform any corner of your home into a peaceful, inviting yoga space.

Before I jump into what has worked for me in the past, I want to mention that taking the time to do this significantly helped my chances of stepping onto my mat and building an at-home yoga practice of my own. If that sounds like you, you might also want to check out this blog: 5 Easy Ways to Start Your At-Home Yoga Practice Today.

Here are some simple, practical steps to help you design your very own at-home yoga sanctuary.

Choose Your Space with Intention

First things first: decide where your at-home yoga sanctuary will be. This doesn’t need to be a large area; it can be as simple as a corner in your bedroom, a nook in your living room, or even a spot in your backyard. The key is to find a place where you feel comfortable and can focus without too many distractions.

Look for a location that feels naturally quiet or one that you can make quiet. A place with a bit of natural light is ideal, but it’s not a deal-breaker. Think about spaces where you already feel relaxed — a cozy corner, a spot by a window, or even that cleared-out space between the sofa and the coffee table.

Pro Tip: Don’t have a lot of room? No problem! I’ve practiced yoga in some pretty tight spaces, from the foot of my bed to even the kitchen. Remember, the space only needs to be big enough for you and your mat.

Keep It Clutter-Free

If there’s one thing I learned from my time practicing and teaching at studios, it’s that a clutter-free environment can do wonders for your focus and peace of mind. When creating your at-home yoga space, aim to keep it simple and clear of distractions.

This doesn’t mean you need to create a minimalist, empty room (unless you want to!), but do try to remove any unnecessary items from your designated yoga area. Think of this space as a visual reminder to let go of mental clutter, too.

Right now, I practice in my bedroom for this reason. I keep it clutter-free and often leave my mat unrolled as a visual cue to practice. This small step removes one barrier and makes it easier to begin my practice.

Pro Tip: A simple basket or storage bin can work wonders for quickly tidying up any stray items that tend to accumulate in your space.

Add Elements that Inspire Calm

Think about what makes a yoga studio feel special. For me, it’s the calming elements: the soft lighting, the subtle scents, the peaceful sounds. You can easily recreate this feeling at home by adding a few simple touches.

I remember my favourite studio classes were always candlelit, and I realized I didn’t enjoy a bright, harshly lit space. Instead, I liked a moodier atmosphere. So, I began closing my blinds, dimming the lights, and lighting a candle nearby for ambiance and warmth during practice.

You could try adding candles, fairy lights, or a salt lamp for a warm glow. A small speaker or your phone can provide soothing background music or nature sounds to help set the mood. If you enjoy aromatherapy, a diffuser with essential oils like lavender or eucalyptus can create an even more relaxing atmosphere.

Pro Tip: Plants are great for adding a sense of calm and freshness to your space. Even a small potted plant or two can make a big difference.

Gather Your Yoga Props and Tools

You don’t need a lot of fancy equipment to practice yoga at home, but having a few basic props on hand can make your practice more comfortable and enjoyable. A good-quality yoga mat is essential, but you might also consider a few extras like blocks, straps, and a bolster or cushion.

If you don’t have official yoga props, don’t worry! Get creative with what you have at home. A stack of books can substitute for blocks, a towel can replace a strap, and a few firm pillows or rolled-up blankets can work just as well as a bolster.

Pro Tip: Keep your props nearby and neatly organized. I use a small basket to store my props, so everything is within arm’s reach. That way, I don’t interrupt my yoga practice searching for what I need.

Ready to start your at home yoga practice?

Join our Whole Body Habits program and discover the benefits of a regular yoga practice from the comfort of your home. This 30-day program to helps you get on your mat and create a consistent practice that nourishes your whole body.

Personalize Your Sanctuary

This is your space, so make it feel like you! Personalize it with items that inspire you, bring you joy, or reflect your personal style. Maybe it’s a favourite piece of art, a photo that makes you smile, or a meaningful object that brings a sense of peace.

Think about the colours, textures, scents, and elements that make you feel grounded and centered. Soft blankets, beautiful rugs, or a tapestry can help create a cozy, welcoming vibe.

Pro Tip: Many of these items can fit into the decor of your home or might already exist in your space. I use a throw pillow that doubles as a prop for my knees during Savasana and a cozy blanket for warmth.

Make It Easy to Use

The most important thing about your at-home yoga sanctuary is that it’s easy to use. The easier it is to access and enjoy, the more likely you are to use it regularly. Keep your yoga mat rolled out or in a visible, easy-to-reach spot. Make sure your space is always ready for practice, with props organized and any distractions minimized.

Pro Tip: Schedule regular time for yoga, and treat your home sanctuary like a studio class. Block out time on your calendar, turn off your phone, and give yourself permission to fully immerse in your practice.

Creating a DIY yoga sanctuary at home doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. I'm living proof of that. The ultimate goal is to create a space that fosters an at-home yoga practice. It took me a while to figure out what worked for me—and what didn't. Don't be afraid to move your mat around your house until you find a space you like. Building this little practice sanctuary can be a fun process and part of the joy of discovering what works for you.

Ula Kaniuch
Ula Kaniuch

By craft I bring brands to life visually; and by obsession, I collect content creation skills like I am collecting brownie badges. I am a Yoga Teacher with a flare for community building, and a deep drive for nerding out and sharing what I learn. I write, am a photographer, artist, and designer. At Heart + Bones, my goal is to quietly inspire students and teachers to move with love.

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