Heart + Bones Yoga Teacher Certification
October 30, 2024 - June 15, 2025
There is a growing demand for innovative yoga teachers who teach mobility over flexibility with intelligent sequences for a wide range of people. Teachers who are committed to keeping yoga a living tradition, relevant to our modern life while honouring the heart of yoga.
Think Different.
Not your typical yoga teacher training.
We go beyond the 200 hour Yoga Alliance training model to include a deeper emphasis on the integration of modern movement education for accessible, inclusive and sustainable approaches to yoga.
Teach Different.
The yoga world is changing, the old paradigm of extreme flexibility and "advanced" poses is no longer relevant. You'll need the skills and education to:
- teach yoga classes that welcome people just as they are
- have the anatomy knowledge to offer the right variations and sequences for all bodies.
I joined the training because I wanted to support different abilities and types of bodies. After learning the why behind the poses and more anatomy, I’ve grown more than I could have imagined. I feel confident to teach and show up in the way that I am. I’m not afraid to be ‘wrong’ because I understand the principles behind the movement.

This training is for you if:
Honour the yoga tradition
You want to know how to support the time-honoured teachings to be inclusive and not appropriate yoga.
Teach sustainable practices
You feel conflicted about what you've been taught about yoga asana. You want understand the 'why' behind the cues so you can adapt the practice to make it more accessible and sustainable.
Apply theory to real life
You feel lost in the implementation of all the various movement education and unsure of how to apply it to real life classes.
Struggle with sequencing
You want to know how to adapt poses to different bodies in a safe and accessible way.
Yoga teacher business development
You're curious about your niche as a yoga teacher and how to build a sustainable teaching career but overwhelmed when it comes to business and marketing.
Community connection
You are looking for a community of like-minded people that you can grow, connect and learn with.
I used to think if I couldn’t get my body into a yoga pose, how could I teach it? This training showed me that we can all teach and yoga is SO MUCH MORE. My body and abilities change all the time, and so should my yoga. It's not just on the mat, but in my daily life. The Heart + Bones team is amazing. So much hard work and thought has gone into this training.

I would recommend this teacher training to anyone looking to gain a better understanding of functional anatomy, and the way it's applied to yoga. The training is focused on a scientific approach to movement & mindfulness, and seamlessly integrates the two - makes this course stand out from other ones. I loved the mix of online content and live calls. It gave me time to work through everything at my own pace, and I got the chance to process and integrate the knowledge through the live calls.
How the Modern Yoga Teacher Training Works

Online Education
As leaders in online yoga education, we've trained hundreds of teachers around the world with our blend of accessible education and community connection.
- Quality over quantity. The course content is streamlined so you can spend less time on the computer and more time integrating the training into real life.
- Easy to digest prerecorded content. Each video lesson is 30 minutes or less to nurture a balance between work, family and the training.
- Revisit the content as much as you need to. The on-demand access to the course helps to support different learning styles and schedules.
- Lessons are downloadable. Listen on a walk (hurray for moving and learning!), on your commute or in areas with poor wifi.
- Year of membership to the online studio. Learn and move with the online studio to improve your sequencing and cues.

Live Calls
This is where the online portion of the course comes to life and we connect together each month! These calls are the highlight of the course for many of our graduates.
- 2 x live calls per month with Brea, Kat and guest teachers.
- Each call is 2 hours and rotates through content review, breakout rooms for talks and discussion, guided practices, and Q+A's with the group.
- Live calls are recorded if you can't attend live.
- Rotating schedule of days and times to accommodate various time zones and different schedules.

Mentorship Program + Community Connection
Grow, refine and practice your teaching skills in a supportive community with a dedicated mentor.
- Small groups meet monthly through Zoom with a Heart + Bones trained mentor. The small groups are arranged by time zone so you can connect more deeply with others in the course.
- Teaching practice, tips and feedback. New and seasoned teachers will teach twice during the course to your small group in a safe and supportive environment.
Learn in community. The best ideas and lightbulb moments arise when we show up for each other. You'll see how others implement the coursework in their teaching and doing each other's classes helps you to become a more confident teacher.
What stands out the most for me is the HUGE support of the online community. It’s so special that you’ve created this strong personal, vulnerable and funny online space where you are truly heard and seen. I love that every question was answered, no matter if it was asked in mentorship groups, the course or in the live calls. You really are there for the students, and I thank you for that.”
What will I learn in this certification?
Active vs Passive Stretching
What is the difference between them and how to utlize both approaches in a yoga classes for healthier movement at the joints.
Proprioception + Interoception
Discover your amazing nervous system and what it does for your yoga practice. Gain a clearer understanding of just how much your nervous system matters for your movement and your sense of well-being
Yoga philosophy + Social justice
Explore how to appreciate, not appropriate yoga. How to offer inclusive yoga classes, and understand the history of yoga through a modern context.
Anatomy of Movement
Understand anatomy from an experiential perspective (without having to memorize anatomical language that your students won't care about). Learn Movement ABC's for sustainability and injury prevention, moving beyond traditional yoga cues.
Moving beyond flexibility
Understanding mobility, stability and flexibility. Learn a wide variety of ways to build stability for your overly mobile students, and discover that 'sweet spot' where you can be both mobile and strong.
Mindfulness + Meditation
Learn more about how you show up in the world through mindfulness practices. Inner transformation is a big part of this work and you'll be supported as you cultivate deeper self-awareness and compassion.

Look inside the course! Watch this from our Twists + Thoracic Spine lesson.
Our Approach
Our philosophy when it comes to yoga teacher training is simple: There are no mistakes, there is no pass or fail here. How much you put into it is how much you get out of it.
Traditional trainings and educational experiences have a "test and measure" model where you're expected to memorize, perform, follow formulas or conform to a "type" of yoga teacher. In this training, you have full permission to be who you are, as you are.
We know learning isn't linear. Knowledge and understanding happens in its own way and time. We enthusiastically create an environment of learning and exploration where there are no wrong answers, no expectations of "getting it all right now." Yoga is a life-long practice of self-awareness and we view this training as much as a teacher training course as a human being training course.
This open-source, heart-centred approach to adult education allows for a powerful individual experience with lifetime access to the course, a strong supportive community during the training and after graduation.
How much time do I need to spend each week on the course?
The training runs from October 30, 2024 - June 30, 2025.
Our online education allows for early access to the course when you register before October 15.
The earlier you sign up, the more time you have to space out your learning. If you start the training on October 15, we suggest spending about 3-5 hours per week on the coursework- a blend of lectures and movement/yoga classes.
The training is designed to easily fit into a busy life. If you have more time one week, you can do more of the course. And if life gets in the way and you miss a week or two, you won't be behind. Some people finish the course within a couple of months, others like to take their time and revisit some of the lessons again and again. There is room (and time!) for both styles of learning.
What happens after graduation?
We love our Heart + Bones teachers community! We have hundreds of Heart + Bones trained teachers from around the world and love supporting our community after graduation and beyond.
- Free access to join subsequent teacher trainings in the live calls to help refine and refresh your knowledge.
- Lifetime access to the course, including course updates.
- We feature our graduates on the Heart + Bones social media accounts.
- Find a Teacher page
- Monthly alumni newsletter that features upcoming workshops by our graduates.
- Private (and very active!) Facebook group to ask each other questions and get support.
- Advanced continuing education workshops for graduates only.
- Discounts in the Heart + Bones online studio and workshops.
In-person workshops and immersions!
As travel and gatherings open up we will resume our Heart + Bones immersions around the world. We offer alumni-only intensives in the UK, Europe, Canada and Australia. You'll be able to meet your Heart + Bones community and learn, laugh and explore together in person.
My biggest fear when starting the course was my ability to get into various positions for demonstrations because of my own physical limitations. I have to smile looking back on this struggle as I have come so far with my understanding that yoga looks SO DIFFERENT in various bodies...mine included! I've also grown in my understanding of yoga history and cultural appropriation, and grown in my own yoga practice, specifically when it comes to comparing myself to others or feelings of inadequacy.
Words of love from our graduates

Nada Besir, Singapore
Brea & Kat cultivated a truly loving and safe space for the most perfect learning exchange and personal development. With all our diverse backgrounds this environment enabled connection on so many levels for which I will be forever grateful for.
The online portion of the program is carefully constructed and leaves no stone unturned from anatomy and alignment to solid marketing advice on how to find your niche and the work you want to do. I loved the daily mindfulness and meditation to embodied anatomy, sequencing and sustainabilizing yoga poses. Thank you Brea and Kat!

Trevor Chisman, Scotland
I’m not sure I can put into words how inspiring and helpful this course has been for me, it’s been so much more than yoga, meditation and science. It’s really started me on a journey of discovering myself.
The Heart + Bones YTT course has the perfect mix of science and geekiness whilst not forgetting we’re applying that science to conscious, breathing, feeling, loving and beautiful human beings.
Brea and Kat share so much fun, love and knowledge. I loved every single minute.

Monique Fryer, England
I really appreciate how much care and details Brea and Kat have put into the whole course.
I love that there was permission and space given to ask questions and not be afraid of making mistakes and there was a real feeling of tenderness and support that felt even the quietest people were not left behind.
A teacher friend was asking me about the training and she asked me, was there anything you didn’t like? I really had to think, there must be something.... But no, I couldn’t think of anything!!!
Creative Shoulder Mobility from some of our graduates!
*We get so much love from our graduates that we've had to create a whole new page to fit it all in!*
Click here to read the love and get inspired, and see how the training changes lives and inspires their teaching.
I am so glad I took the courageous decision to sign up despite challenges in my life. This training was ideal for me as it gave me flexibility in my busy life as a mum of a spirited toddler. I felt like I was learning at home with deeply attuned private tutors and part of a diverse and open group of people. What touched me most was a community where everyone is seen, acknowledged, valued and can thrive. A great example for how we can lead and build community wherever we are based.
What is the investment?
Are there payment plans?
The investment in the certification $2999 CAD
*The course payment is in Canadian dollars. What's the exchange rate for your country? If you live in the US, UK or Europe, you'll automatically save 30-40% with the exchange rate.
- USA: $2999 CAD $2200 USD.
- UK: $2999 CAD is about £1800
- EU: $2999 CAD is around €2000
You get immediate access to the entire course so that you have a head start and take your time to move through the material, inviting it to sink in and become more embodied.
Earlybird Pricing:
$2750 CAD from August 30-September 30.
Regular price after September 30: $2999 CAD
Payment Plans
Payment plan options (for 4, 6 or 8-months) are available as needed. Email Shannon: [email protected] to set up your payment plan.
For those who have already bought the Modern Yogi Teacher Development course or the Modern Yoga Essentials course and want to do the certification, we will count your tuition paid towards the course. Please email Shannon at [email protected] to set up your payment.
Are you ready to join us?
Sign up now for early bird pricing. Course starts October 30th
Thank you so much for your positivity and encouragement throughout the course. I have found this openness and acceptance of not finishing the course in a tight traditional way to be very liberating for my learning and growth as a yoga teacher but also a human being!

Brea Johnson
Brea (She/her) is the founder and lead teacher of Heart + Bones Yoga. A yoga teacher, movement educator, and community builder, Brea has been teaching yoga for 20 years and specializes in bringing anatomy-informed and accessible practice to real life and real bodies while honouring the heart of yoga. This approach has led Heart + Bones to be the go-to platform for anatomy, mobility and movement education for yoga teachers and everyday people around the world. Brea has taught 1000's of teachers and is grateful for the opportunity to keep sharing and inspiring yoga teachers to embrace who and how they are.

Kat Boehm
Kat is an esteemed mindfulness teacher, movement educator, yoga and Pilates teacher. Kat has been sharing yoga and mindfulness for 25 years and is a forever student of the mind and body. continues to learn about the body. She began practicing mindfulness in the Tibetan lineage and has steeped deeply in silent retreats in Burma, Thailand, USA and Canada. She is blessed to have core and senior teachers who guide
her and the unfolding of practice. Kat's ability to blend mindfulness and movement in her teaching is powerful to experience and one you'll get to experience throughout the training.

Mitzi Melanie Wilson
Teaching Skills + Leadership. Not only does Mitzi Melanie Wilson (She/her) teach yoga as a healing journey to our collective healing, but she also works full time as a consultant supporting groups and organizations in co-designing equity-centered spaces. Mitzi is a graduate of the Modern Yoga Teacher training and one of Mitzi's superpowers is how she holds space for group learning and exploration. We love having Mitzi's leadership skills help to bring our Four Pillars of a Sustainable Yoga Practice to life.

Kallie Schut
Philosophy and history of yoga through a social justice lens. Kallie Schut (She/They) brings an incredible amount of compassion and care as a yoga teacher and social justice activist who is committed to anti-racist work, decolonizing and honouring the roots of yoga to enable access to wellness for all. Kallie has a special way of teaching yoga philosophy so that yoga teachers can learn to be more aware of yoga's history, colonial appropriation and how we as yoga teachers can share the practice in a mindful, respectful and empowered way for all.

Tejal Patel (she/they) is a first-generation Indian American yoga teacher, writer, podcaster, and community organizer. Tejal’s aim is to educate and empower individuals and groups around the world to practice yoga holistically and through a social justice equity lens. Tejal can be found organizing and teaching at the revolutionary Tejal Yoga online studio, a primarily South Asian teacher-led yoga community focused on social justice actions and authentic, culturally-rooted spiritual practices.
When not teaching yoga and running the studio, Tejal is out in the world:
Speaking to organizations and institutions about anti-racism and upleveling belonging in communities
Co-managing the abcdyogi interactive community, which platforms and uplifts South Asian yoga and meditation teachers living around the world
Sharing about their Yoga is Dead podcast, e-book, and signature cultural appropriation training all which raise necessary critical conversations about yoga, wellness, power, privilege and more.
Learn more about Tejal and take your first online class free at tejalyoga.com
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Will I be a certified yoga teacher after completing the course?
Yes. After completing the requirements of the training (online course work, mentorship groups, and live calls), you will be a certified yoga teacher at the 200-hour level if you've never done a training. And 300-hour level if you've already completed a 200-hour.
2. How is this is both a 200-hour and 300-hour training? I already have my 200-hour teacher training, is the content the same for everyone?
A good yoga teacher knows that one training will not give you everything you need to know. Learning is lifelong and the best education is in the teaching itself. As
This certification is progressing the yoga teacher training model with the bulk of our content focused on applied anatomy, movement and how to put that into practice in real life, real bodies. This is content that most 200 and 300-hour trainings don’t cover, or go into as much detail and yet is what yoga teachers need to know to be effective teachers and why it works to have a blended 200/300 teacher training course.
In this way, everyone, no matter their experience learns new concepts, refines old ones and walks away feeling more empowered and clear.
As an online training, it allows us to make the material more streamlined and concise so that there isn’t the same kind of “filler” hours that you find in other trainings.
In our opinion, it's about the quality of the training over the quantity of hours. If you complete the requirements of the certification, we are happy to give a certification (200 or 300h) that the yoga world understands... but to us, that’s just a piece of paper. What you're really getting is a progressive training that is different, relevant and applicable to who you are as a teacher.
3. Are you Yoga Alliance registered?
Our yoga teacher training course is proudly different than the traditional training model. Quality over quantity is at the heart of this program. With over 70 + hours just in applied anatomy and movement education alone; we are able to offer our students the opportunity to learn information that can be immediately applied to real-life, different yoga styles, movement modalities and most importantly, to the diverse people that come to your classes.
Creating content to fit into a narrow box of outdated standards would be a disserve to what we know what yoga teachers need to feel confident in what they do. Augmenting the movement education with teaching tools and strategies, supported by leadership while integrated through mindfulness, yoga philosophy and history in a modern context and accessibility and social justice allows us to build a rich and well-rounded educational experience.
Our students choose this course because of the high quality of the content and understand the immense benefits of this approach to yoga, both for their own growth and for those they work with.
Yoga Alliance is simply a registry. There is no actual governing body in yoga. (Which is a whole other interesting discussion!) At the end of the training you will be a certified yoga teacher, but not Yoga Alliance registered unless you already have a Yoga Alliance registration from a previous training.
In most countries like Canada, the US, UK, you don't need Yoga Alliance registration to get insured as a teacher. Many yoga schools are forgoing Yoga Alliance affiliation as it's been shown to be not effective or relevant for them. There are many interesting articles out there if you want to do a google search and read more about it.
4. How much time will the course take to finish?
We know that our participants are here for more than just a piece of paper. How much you put into the course will be reflective of how much you get out of it.
In this training, we aim to disrupt the old models of test and measure, memorizing facts for the sake of a grade, and performative learning. We believe there are no mistakes, only opportunities for learning. This allows you to move through the learning process on a deeper and more integrated level. No pressure, no overwhelm, just space for exploration, questions and growth.
We've designed the online content so that most of the video lessons are no longer than 30 minutes, keeping the lectures streamlined and clear. You can do the course in manageable bite-sized chunks throughout your week.
People have easily completed the course while still having full-time jobs, kids and other responsibilities. We are here to help you move through the training and learning and fit it all in with steadiness and ease. For many people, they've found the course to be a supportive and inspiring course that enhanced their life, rather than feeling overwhelmed and pressured.
5. Is there a schedule for where we should be throughout the course?
The beauty of online learning is that it allows people from all over the world to have access to learning and to go at their own pace.
Yes, sometimes life gets busy. We know some people will struggle with self-directed learning and others will thrive. To work effectively with both types of people, we have a suggested schedule of where you should be in the course throughout the training.
The feeling of pressure, of falling behind or not doing enough is a trap. We do our best to mitigate those perceptions and help you focus on what really matters, which is the learning process.
There may be times throughout the year when you have more space and want to really dig into the work and go through more parts of the course. Other times you may have to take a break and attend to different responsibilities, vacations or duties. The length and structure of the course offers you ample opportunity to get it all done without the extra addition of stress and pressure.
We also connect those in the training who are interested in study groups. This allows small groups to be accountable to each other and their individual progress. As well as an opportunity to discuss and collaborate with each other throughout the group (and even afterwards as life-long friendships inevitably form!)
6. What are the graduation requirements?
- Complete the online content.
- Teach twice in your mentorship group and attend at least three mentorship calls beyond the ones you teach in.
- Submit a teaching video and written sequence for a class based around a theme of your choosing.
- Attendance to all live calls. If you can't make it live there will be replays available.
- Write a final exam. Don't forget, no pass or fail! We view the exam simply as a way to help you to see where you might have gaps in your knowledge and where to spend further exploration moving forward.
7. What are the live calls like? What if I miss one?
Live calls are held twice a month from October to June. They are the bridge between the online coursework and your community and teachers. It's the place to get your questions answered in real-time, expand on what you are learning and hear it in a different context.
We meet on Zoom video calls where you get to see Kat, Brea, Kallie and Mitzi in person as well as your fellow classmates.
The live calls are a blend of discussions, movement practice, workshop-style breakdowns of poses and anatomy along with community questions and insights.
The power of technology is huge and it's amazing to see how effective online learning can be.
If you can't attend live, the calls are recorded and added to the course a couple of days afterwards.
8. How long do I have access to the course after I'm certified?
Access to education, learning and utilizing the internet for the powers of good are part of the Heart + Bones philosophy. You have lifetime access to the course which includes joining the live calls with subsequent cohorts.
9. Is there a test at the end?
Yes. But... The test and measurement system of education does a disservice to the learning experience because we spend our time looking for the right answer or memorizing facts. This takes us away from the powerful experience of making mistakes, exploring new ideas, and reexamining old ones.
A foundational principle in our approach is that there are no mistakes. Only opportunities for deeper learning and understanding.
For the movement portion of the training, we aren't interested if you've memorized the names of muscles and bones. We want to make sure you understand the building blocks of human movement and how to apply that in an organic way to the people in your classes.
We have a test at the end, not as a pass or fail or a reflection of who you are as a teacher or person. We simply use it to see where there are gaps in understanding which then makes it easy to direct your focus as you continue the learning process.
10. I don't want to teach yoga, but I love your approach and want to learn more for myself. Can I still take the course?
Absolutely. We have many people who take the course for their own experience and get a lot out of exploring with a community of people from around the world and the focused time for their own learning and inner growth.
11. I don't have a lot of yoga experience, but I do other movement modalities, can I still take the course?
Absolutely. Because the content of the training is rooted in building a strong foundation of movement knowledge, that foundation can be applied to any style of yoga, movement modality and most importantly, everyday life. These are the building blocks that allow you to apply and create a practice that is best for you.
12. How do you build community and collaboration if part of the course is online and everyone is spread out across the world?
This is the magic of technology! It never ceases to amaze us how powerful online learning can be. We build community through the monthly live calls, small mentorship groups, private Facebook group and comment sections in each lesson. And those who want to join accountability or study groups with each other to stay on track, we help to organize that.
We also offer yearly alumni-only weekend workshops in both Canada and the UK for an opportunity for our global community to meet, move and learn in person.
14. Cancellation Policy:
Registration in this certification program means you are making a commitment to your learning, your practice and the process. There is a strict no refund policy to ensure that everyone participates and is fully committed and present in the educational experience.
Ready to join us on that path?