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Welcome to 5-Days of Fascia!

Fascia is the biggest organ in your body! It's woven throughout every part of you, connected to the nervous system and it influences the movement and function of your body.

This 5-Day program is designed to help you learn about fascia in relation to yoga, sustainable movement and nervous system health. You'll move AND learn all about fascia and gain helpful tools and practices you can apply right away.

The details:

5- Days of Fascia arrives in your inbox each day with our signature Move + Learn classes to teach you a different aspect of fascia throughout the 5-days. 

It's the perfect blend of movement and helpful information and tools for you to learn more about this important part of your body.

Along with daily movement classes for your fascia, we'll also explore these topics:

  • What is fascia
  • What affects your fascia
  • Inflammation and its link to fascia
  • Stress and fascia
  • Putting your knowledge into actiononline yoga

How it Works:

5- Days of Fascia arrives in your inbox with a video class each day. You'll enjoy a variety of classes to teach you different ways to move your fascia (and everything else) with love and support.

Yoga Teachers! Are you a yoga or movement teacher? We have a separate program just for you! When you join, you'll get the same videos but with the added bonus of teacher-focused tools for your teaching. 


$10. You get to access the fascia program AND an entire month of classes in Heart + Bones Yoga online yoga. 

  • You can continue to enjoy our other fascia-focused classes after your 5 days are over
  • Or you can repeat the 5 days of fascia as many times as you like
  • Unlimited access to over 350 classes and programs that move all parts of your body, mind and heart. 

The 5-day program will be delivered to your inbox along with other suggested classes that will support your fascia but also will help your shoulders and hips as well!

How to join:

Fill out the registration form below.
If you're already a member - that's it! Day 1 of the program should be in your inbox shortly.

Not a member? No problem! Click here, select the monthly plan, and use this $10 access code: 5DAYSFASCIA

*If you're signing up for the yoga and movement teacher version of the challenge, it's the same registration link and coupon code. You'll see the option to tell us that you're a teacher - simply select that option, and we'll make sure you get the teacher version.

Need help? We've got you. Send us an email at